Mass effect armor tutorial
Mass effect armor tutorial

Then you have to do the same for textures. For instance, if you want to replace Kaidan with Mordin throughout the whole game, you’ll not only need to replace the BIOH_Kaidan_xxxxx files, you’ll also need to replace the Normandy global file as well as every BIOD_xxxxx file that has Kaidan’s mesh in it. pcc file – there are several, if not dozens, of. But, it’s not quite as simple as replacing a single. Can I replace Character X with Character Y in the whole game?Ī. But if you want to port say Kaidan’s armor to Shepard, you don’t need to do additional editing. Again, the number of bones is the most critical factor – For example, you can port Kai Leng’s armor to Kaidan, but you need to delete all his hair bones in 3DS Max. But some things are harder to replace than others. My game worked and the character was fine, but when it made certain facial movements, Mordin’s eyes would bug out of his head a little because the bones that controlled the facial movements weren’t right. For example, I replaced Jacob with Mordin by replacing the body and head meshes – the head mesh had a different number of bones but I was lazy and imported it anyway. ME3 Explorer WILL allow you to import a PSK with a different number of bones, but the character will often have weird effects. ME3 Explorer will not allow you to import a UPK with a different number of bones. Can I import a UPK/PSK with a different number of bones?Ī. See the Super Advanced tutorial on creating your own meshes for more information.

mass effect armor tutorial mass effect armor tutorial

The easiest way to do this is to import your target mesh (in this case, Shep’s underwear mesh) and import another mesh with the desired attribute (in this case, any outfit with shoes). Any time you want to add something that changes the shape of something, you’ll need to edit the mesh using 3DS Max, not just the texture. How can I change the texture to do that?Ī. I want to add shoes to Shepard’s underwear outfit. If it’s not one of those two things, it’s something that has nothing to do with your modding. Probably an extra space or something when you added a texture to Gibbed (happens sometimes when you’re using hair mods – you change the hair mesh in Gibbed and press space after by accident). Every time you make changes to your game, you MUST run tocbinupdater! If it’s not that, you may have a typo in Gibbed. 9 times out of 10, if your game is crashing because you installed a mod, it’s because you didn’t run the tocbinupdater in ME3 Explorer. If not, please feel free to comment anywhere on any of the pages and I will add your questions to this FAQ! Also, if you want help troubleshooting problems with mods, check out my troubleshooting guide here.Ī. Hopefully, most of your questions were answered by reading the tutorials.

Mass effect armor tutorial