The Carryall Backpack is a multi-faction backpack in ArmA 3.
ⓘ Classname list of available backpacks: Arma 2 OA backpacks Arma 3 backpacks - objects starting with B_, starts with B_AssaultPack_khk Syntax Syntax: unit addBackpack backpackClassName Parameters: unit: Object packClassName: String Return Value: Nothing Examples. If a unit already has a backpack, the old backpack will be placed on the ground under the unit. Would you allow me to make a pull request to port this directly into ace 3? already received an answer? I am. YesYoa 40 YesYoa 40 Private First Class Member 40 15 posts Location Germany Joined: JPosted November 29, 2015. When you put backpack on chest and reconnect, you cannot put it on back anymore. Ez az általunk írt kis módosítás az ejtőernyőzés korlátaitól szabadít meg minket azzal, hogy engedi elsődle. (This gives a huge advantage especially when parachuting) - Adds a backpack on Chest-Action to the ACE3 SelfInteraction-Menu - Forces the player to walk while having a backpack on the chest Készülő ArmA 3 szerverünkről egy kis teszt videó. Various modules and functions for mission creators (wiki) - Implementation through ACE-SelfInteractionMenu - TFAR compatibility (radio settings are preserved) (NOT SUPPORTED IN THE PRE RELEASE BackpackOnChest is a mod, which adds the functionality of carrying an extra backpack on your chest - Adds the ability to put his backpack on the Chest. GünstigīackpackOnChest is a mod, which adds the functionality of carrying an extra backpack on your chest. Home Arma 3 backpack on chest Backpack Test 2021 - Top Modelle & Neuerscheinungeīackpack Test & Vergleich: Die besten Produkte aus 2021 gesucht? Jetzt Backpacks vergleichen, online bestellen & Geld sparen Marken-Rucksäcke für jede Tour.