Log into your same EA account through the Dead Space iOS game to unlock the Riot Armor Suit. Successfully complete the game on the Zealot difficulty to unlock the Arctic Security Suit at the store. Successfully complete the game on the Hardcore difficulty to unlock the Soldier Suit at the store. The Elite Advance Suit schematic can be found in Chapter 11 when the yellow lift that the Necromorphs jump onto reaches the top, turn around, and it is on the ledge between the elevator and wall. The Elite Security Suit schematic can be found in Chapter 9 after exiting the tram with Ellie the first time search over the railing to your right to find it on the floor. The Elite Vintage Suit schematic can be found in Chapter 6 in the large hallway where Ellie and Stross are talking to you from the balcony and you are attacked by a Brute (it is next to a statue near the wall). The Elite Engineer Suit schematic can be found in Chapter 2 near the first store, just before the first short outer space section. During a second playthrough, the Riot Armor Suit will be available in the store. Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock bonus elite suits in New Game+ mode. The Hand Cannon is a powerful weapon with unlimited ammunition, is a foam finger, and Isaac says "Bang Bang" and "Pew Pew Pew" when shooting it. Successfully complete the game on the Hardcore difficulty to unlock the Hand Cannon at the first shop in a New Game+.

Successfully complete Dead Space: Ignition in single player Ignition mode to unlock the Hacker Suit (has bonus perks and hacking capabilities), a Hacker-themed Contact Beam weapon skin, exclusive audio logs, and extra power nodes, health packs, and credits. However, your upgrades to the Plasma Cutter from Dead Space will not carry over. Have a saved game file from the original Dead Space to begin the game with access to the Refurbished Plasma Cutter.